As we move forward, the goals we shared last week remain our north star: 1) to safeguard the health of students, faculty and staff; 2) to ensure students complete their classes; 3) to maintain the universitys research and other operations; 4) to do everything within our power to support national and global efforts to slow the spread of the disease. In our residential setting, we interpret this as roommate/suitemate groups. Need a spark of encouragement? William & Mary has held onto our pride in those qualities even as we have moved expeditiously to advance the three-part mission we cherish: teaching, learningand research. AND. We are making decisions in a phased, evidence-based way and understand extreme flexibility is essential to our plan. At the end of the day, our students ability to sustain these commitments will determine our capacity to be together safely. A cloth face covering will be used immediately before and after instruction and when interacting with others and unable to maintain 6 physical distancing. This has been a very difficult year for us all. Expanding W&M's reach, educating for impact and evolving to excel. We are so looking forward to welcoming our sophomores, juniors, and seniors back to campus this weekend! In October, W&M waived the copay for voluntary, at-will COVID-19 testing for faculty and staff. Not all courses will be available in a fully remote format, so students should seek academic guidance in advance to be sure selected courses support the students progress toward their degree/major. Recognizing that the health landscape continues to evolve, a robust testing effort allows us to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 on campus among students and employees, and to track campus trends relative to those locally, within Virginia and nationally. 100 Back-to-School QuotesFunny, Inspirational School Quotes - Parade 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500. I ask each of you to do so as well. No one should take these early results as license to relax our vigilance. We are continuing to make decisions in a measured, phased way, taking the steps required to flatten the curve of financial impact due to COVID-19.This spring has clarified much about why we value face-to-face learning at William & Mary and why we seek to return to it with such a strong sense of purpose. Note: Students are limited to registering for 16 credits until add/drop begins. For students, case managers will serve as a point of contact throughout the isolation period, helping with the transition to isolation or quarantine housing as needed, and arranging for cleaning and disinfecting of campus spaces, among other assistance. The lessons we are learning in flexibility, humility, and generosity in the face of uncertainty will sustain William & Mary this spring and beyond. I wish you all the best as you finish your classes and exams and prepare for a well-deserved break in just a few weeks. The adorable footage featured not only the teachers and staff members, but also their own children and furry friends as they practice social distancing. Event sponsors should explore solutions that include canceling, rescheduling or moving to alternative platforms. As. William & Mary faculty and staff are actively readying for the start of classes this coming Monday. With our determination and steadfast efforts, we are also mourning: a lecture, a birthday, the long-awaited symposium, a team road trip, and so much more. As we prepare to change our instructional delivery modes starting next week, we are expanding the pass-fail option for Spring 2020. I am proud of each and every one of you. Tressa S. We know being home (in sometimes tight quarters) is tough on everyone, so now is the time to dig deep and be kind. As William & Mary moves into the Fall 2020 semester, the COVID-19 Response Team provides the following summary of the universitys testing protocol for students and employees. Well be providing each of you with a date for your test, and then youll schedule the time of day. The adorable footage featured not only the teachers and staff members, but also their own children and furry friends as they practice social distancing. Everyone is eager to be back in the classroom with you. We ask the community to be aware that the public health context and VA directives will continue to change in the coming weeks. Over the next week we will move to online and remote modes of instruction. Find team highlights, scores, info and how we're {em}All In{/em} for the Tribe. I am so grateful for our communitys outpouring of support, yet many students continue to have an urgent need for longer-term housing and food. I am confident we will be able to create a strong and supportive community. Deans and faculty will ensure personal engagement for all students, including those who live on and off campus, through the start of in-person classes. William & Marys responsibility to steward our resources prudently is understandably at front of mind for all in this community. We are firm in our convictionsour actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. Students who lived on campus in the fall but have a fully remote schedule for the spring semester may request a release from their housing contracts. The administration and the Emergency Management Team have responded effectively from the very beginning of this pandemic and will continue to work to protect the safety of our community. It is critical that you avoid interactions with others, maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distance and wearing your face covering. Large student gatherings of any kind both on- and off-campusare not permitted. For more transparency, weve created a graphic that sketches these three strands of work and their relationship to each other. This week, we have also made progress on key decisions regarding room, board, and parking costs. As teachers close out the school year without the hugs, the in-person celebrations and even without the physical walk across the stage, one thing remains: the vision and hope from teachers to their beloved students. We need to turn these rules of behavior into habits of behavior. As previously noted, we strongly advise all students to physically leave campus if they can. We are planning a phased move-in for undergraduate students living in on-campus housing. Teacher, Natalie Wieland, holds up the medals she plans to gift her students when they finish their AP exams. Words are not enough to thank you for your strength, courage, and dedication. Please know how much each of these gestures lifts our spirits. While W&M is allowing student to upload rapid test results to satisfy requirements for move-in and on-campus activities, the university asks that students still complete the test process with Kallaco, which provides a different type of COVID-19 test. All general requirements stated above apply. Every institution has continuity plans with scenarios for epidemics, W&M included. The pandemic sparked more appreciation for teachers, but will it give Katie is a first-grade teacher. Today, Virginia Gov. Teachers encourage students with messages in COVID-19 crisis If you see something, say something. Our testing program will likely require all students to be tested for COVID-19 on arrival and will allow employees to take advantage of optional testing services partially subsidized by the university. Encouraging Message for Students During Difficult Times From Lisa Shatz Though I regret that we cannot invite graduates and families back to campus for an October Commencement weekend, our commitment to you is unwavering. Our new COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Indoor public spaces: when in a facility, everyone should wear a face covering over the nose and mouth including building entry areas, classrooms and labs, libraries, conference rooms, hallways, elevators, restrooms, lounges and other shared spaces that allow for public interaction or gathering. Effective March 12, we will implement the following interim policies for modes of instruction, events and travel. COVID-19 Messages to Students (2020) | William & Mary An archive of messages sent to William & Mary students about the university's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some teachers left because of the challenges of teaching during a pandemic, while others were fearful they would contract Covid-19 and some were offered higher-paying jobs. We asked students, faculty, and staff to email us their thank-you notes to those who have helped, supported, or encouraged them. Students can easily remove the Honorlock browser extension from Chrome after completing an exam. Your contributions are appreciated and we thank you in our prayers, hearts, and minds each and every day. These appropriate measures aim to slow spread and reduce incidence of COVID-19, which had risen at the end of this month. Our goal is to be able to resume learning in-person in the fall, so long as it is safe to do so. Planning continues apace and I hope this message will address many of your queries. Walk slowly through your neighborhood or in your backyard and discover what Spring looks like. Cindy K. Its easy to feel helpless in situations like this, but we can make small differences. Independent of whether a school system chooses to implement the above requirement, p arents of students who are determined to be close contacts of an individual with COVID -19 may opt to keep their students at home during the recommended stay-at-home period. must wear face coverings at all times. Graduation Card Messages During COVID-19 Mixbook Inspiration What are your favorite quotes or words of encouragement that have helped you during the Covid-19 pandemic? Itonly takes a handful of studentsbehavingrecklessly, to jeopardizetheabilityfor all of usto be on campus this fall. Please continue to stay safe and look out for one another. If maintained, this will allow meetings of more than 50 people to occur, so large lecture classes can meet in person (either the entire group at once or half or a third at a time). Teacher motivation is vital - and COVID-19 may be hurting it Specifics on operations for all employees will be announced by the week of November 16. There are many ways to help ensure the integrity of the learning and assessment processes. You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days.. More will be needed in the weeks ahead. Words of Encouragement | Springfield College We recognize the uncertainty so many are feeling. Be calm, honest, and caring, and demonstrate a positive attitude to children. Because our initial testing round began several weeks ago and based on patterns we are seeing at other campuses, during the first week after arrival we have decided to conduct a second required round of testing. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. It seemed so specialI miss you so much. While the series is mandatory, the COVID-19 Response Team hopes you will find the videos informative and reinforcing of the promises weve made to one another as community members through the Healthy Together Community Commitment. forced to try different methods to see what worked best for them and for their students. No university-sponsored travel (domestic or international) will take place, unless required to meet obligations of externally sponsored research or state scientific advisory services. Buy that oversized $30 pack of UNO that is literally impossible to shuffle just so you can say you own it. Your questions are helping us immensely as we strive to be clear and responsive during this global crisis. Unfortunately, as we look ahead to the fall semester, gathering graduates and families in these ways is neither safe nor feasible in light of the ongoing pandemic. We will continue to assess possible timelines in consultation with local public health officials, closely tracking the Commonwealths and our nations response. They gathered in a group exceeding our size guidelines, without the space to physically distance, were not wearing masks and possessed alcohol while underage. "I would like to begin by recognising our parents, families, and loved ones, especially my mum and dad, who, may not be physically present with us, but who are, as always, cheering us on from the screens of the Great Hall or on their devices; our lecturers for imparting their wisdom - who have recently acquired the number 1 spot in the recent
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