Program Screening, Selection, and Ranking Process Pharmacy Residency Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? What experience do you have with research? This question relates mainly to those applying for roles outside the NHS because those within the NHS adhere to the pay bands according to Agenda for Change, the fixed salary strategy for the NHS. Give one of your most significant clinical interventions during your rotation experience. to look it up and answer that question. In fact, saying that instead of straight making something up is definitely the better move. DONT stress about getting every question exactly right! JdA:1rnM s-u DfpA@h,hrMk4 @'10l3^v`&v [mB+n|XXIg2sv1GIr;UjZ5!/WqLU,U|>u3l!^BjuI5fz"e?9 21 cIhJ)HzA{pSPI|)">/7&~z_S8Go#Wu?QuN Hh\>}oJxGyA)*%`O{ |znG_C`S_?6%19kGZ@0LR1/;}_My:U~jJc%;-v]Nw_|E? How can I help you as I grow professionally? Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. Can you please tell us a little about yourself? Id also encourage you to jot down notes after each interview too about what you liked and didnt like from your day- this will also be super helpful. Offering mock interviews and Saudi Pharmacist Licensure Examination practice tests and involving pharmacy students in clinical research may increase their chance in securing a residency position. Decisions to interview or not interview despite a relatively high or low score were made through discussions between the reviewers who screened the applicants, the residency interview team, pharmacist preceptors, pharmacy management, and the residency program director. Here are just a few ideas of questions you can ask. On your own time? If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? What would you do if you thought one of your co-workers was being harassed by another staff member? I thought this was such an awesome idea! Sure, there were some programs I was much more excited about than others. What was the outcome? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He explains that the question may be looking to see if the candidate is self-aware and will indicate how the interviewee would like to be perceived. What unique skills or abilities do you possess that sets you apart from other candidates? Make sure they are rested as well (ie avoid March). Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? o Specialize The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. Applicants are asked to prepare in advance a 10-minute presentation on a topic of their choice (not related to pharmacy or healthcare). Interview at the program you want the most later in your interview schedule (mid/late February; try to avoid March for scheduling interviews). Can you describe your experience working in the pharmacy profession? % If you do not get a residency spot this year, what is your plan for next year? Both Boots and Bhella emphasise the importance of making the example personal. How did you handle it? Lwf! Who do you admire and why? Make sure you have 12 "practice" interviews before that (programs lower on your list). Can you recalla time when you identified an opportunity to improve efficiency at work? . I'm having a hard time judging a residency program because my interview left me unsure of whether it was just rushed and badly set up or if it raises serious questions about the program's values and culture. They want to get an idea of your thought process and figure out if youre willing to learn. 2. Cross out each incorrect verb or pronoun form, and write the correct form in the space above the error. - might not separate me from all, but does from some J present the biography of Defoe's life. A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. How did you handle the situation? If you are interviewing for a non-clinical . First thing I did as a pharmacist. What did you do to prepare for this interview? But, dont focus so much on hitting all those points and in a specific order, that you forget about your demeanor and how you are interacting with the patient. What would you do? What was your least favorite class in pharmacy school? It is of the utmost importance to be rested. PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Discussion with Current Residents. If you were not in pharmacy, what would you do? What are some issues you perceive in doing a residency here? Questions to Ask During an Interview. No matter what type of presentation you are asked to give, the case will involve reviewing diagnostic testing, vital signs, labs and other pertinent data. PGY2 Interview Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Which is most important to you? ACCP ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy. Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patients care? Welcome to Hot Topics in Pharmacy Practice which features a variety of episodes covering emerging trends, key topics and areas across medicine. How did you solve it? Forth, prepare for the clinical questions during the interview. Describe what you do to keep up with the literature and tell me about a recent paper youve read or a presentation you have attended. o Board certified Why was it meaningful to you? Tell me about a time you made an impact on your community. And don't over think it. Which ones do you currently possess and how do you intend to develop the others? If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why? Sentences may contain errors in agreement. 69ZfUQ0r0#3,W Think about your relationships with people you love, especially in your family. Thehorsewiththesllverymaneandwhitetallwaschosenbythephotographer. Stage 2: Starting the Interview. Have your fellow pharmacy students give you cases that you haven't prepared for, with time limits, and then let them evaluate how you responded. Why? Before the interview, I thought this program was my top choice based on their profile: they're an AMC with . of PGY1 Pharmacy Residency training. What makes you a good fit for this program? Why? Tell us about a time where you experienced negative team dynamics, and what you did to try and overcome this. If you saw a peer cheating on a test, what course of action would you take? How did you do it? Pharmacy Residency Interview Presentation Topics - YouTube Presentations during your pharmacy residency interview is a special opportunity. PATIENTS/METHODSPatients with cancer-associated VTE were randomly assigned to receive either apixaban 10 mg twice daily for seven days followed by 5 mg twice daily for six months or subcutaneous dalteparin (200 IU/kg for one month followed by 150 IU/kg once daily). Tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a good job. o Exposed at a young age Just make sure you are up to date on guidelines and therapies pertinent to the program (depending on if it's hospital, amb care, etc). Group Discussion with Pharmacy Leadership Team. PDF 295 Residency Interview Questions - Pharmacy School HQ OBJECTIVESThe primary outcome was major bleeding. What was your least favorite rotation in pharmacy school? What programs are looking for here is do you know the general basics of how to counsel a patient on a new medication, but ALSO can you do it in a way that represents pharmacy in a great light. Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Interview Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Describe one of your professional mentors. - Created a dialogue, even got a thank you - *Want a more individualized experience* AND I ended up ranking a program that I considered to be somewhat of a back-up in my top few choices. What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? o Looking for more residency training, but an experience which will allow me to self-direct Behavioral Interviewing Techniques - The Star Approach. Below I have listed a TON of questions based on a list that I compiled last year when I was going through this process. I think biggest tip I can give here is try to avoid reading off your slides and try to sound personable. What do you do outside of school to learn and contribute to the profession of pharmacy? Oath of a pharmacist: Last thing- something I really had to work on last year was making sure that I kept an open mind at all of my interviews. *The Francis report, which was published in February 2013, looked into the failings of care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. o Saw how devastating it can be to families If a sentence is already correct, write C at the end of the sentence. Can you describe the components of your continuous professional development plan? What was your second most favorite rotation? At your retirement party, what would you want your colleagues to remember about you? Overview of PGY1 Training Program. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? What would you do? Which is EXACTLY what most of you probably have done countless times on your APPE pharmacy rotations this year! Why? Residency Information; Technician Information; Certification Resources; . Visual learner; constantly making tables, guides, and visuals A List Of Pharmacy Residency Interview Questions - IDStewardship Review CV and LOI, career goals/interests, clinical knowledge. He said that they may be taught in the philosophy department. What do you see your residents struggling with the most? 6. How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy residents and staff pharmacists? What Does It Mean To Precept Responsibly & What Is The Precept Responsibly Podcast? What differentiates you from your peers as a candidate for this position? What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? With features published by media such as Business Week and Fox News, Stephanie Dube Dwilson is an accomplished writer with a law degree and a master's in science and technology journalism. ;~0:afW@`vTI/hlWLLjk .cWY>n [0 ou^-whC[PY f1#0Xci0*`}G b}W$l{$1MVd 5QKT However, right before leaving for rounds you are told you must skip rounds and go help staff the outpatient pharmacy, because they are short-staffed and there are many patients waiting. Schedule interviews. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond at work? Why? Duplicate vanco order Any answer to such a question should consider how to demonstrate confidence and assertiveness in the situation and how they would maintain a dialogue with fellow professionals, he adds. They may be conducted via telephone or through the use of videoconferencing software, such as Skype. Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patient's care? What was the biggest factor in how you ranked your programs? Being a clinical pharmacist is an incredibly stressful and demanding career. With what types of people do you feel most comfortable working? Interview Skills Packet for Residency Candidates - American Society of G describe the character of the cannibal, whom Crusoe named Friday In what ways did you put out extra effort to get the job done? What qualities do you expect from your preceptors? CAP, sepsis, heart failure, afib, copd exacerbation, etc. What was your least favorite class in pharmacy school? If a program doesnt send you an itinerary, thats okay too! What things do you need to get better at? The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. If it was a life-threatening situation, and you did your research, and they still dont accept it, what then? Rehearse it and know what you want to say and how long it takes you to say it! How would your best friend describe your strengths and weaknesses? History with the college and PGY1 in the area Operating at the peak of licensure Some of your preceptors will not have PharmD Degrees, do you have any issues taking directions from someone with a lesser degree? Dr. Nelson: My presentation last year was on myself, and I had to answer like 10 questions including my background, favorite and least favorite rotation, career goals, projects I worked on, etc. If you could change one thing about the profession of pharmacy, what would it be? How have you kept up with all of the information? A common pitfall is to say that the doctor knows the patients and is more experienced so I would not challenge him, he says. DO prepare way more questions than you think you will need (trust me- youll need them). What do you do for fun? What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? (yes- i got this one and it absolutely stumped me). Is there a project you worked on that you are most proud of? I liked being able to present myself and my brand if you will through a series of slides/pictures. If there are definite training opportunities, for example, a postgraduate diploma or independent prescribing qualification, that are part of in-house development then explain how achieving this will provide additional experience for future moves. Stage 1: Preparing for the Interview. - *Fits with my long-term career goals* I will say, if you talked with a particular person about a topic, it may be helpful to throw that in the email to refresh their memory of your conversation with them. You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). Be cautious about overtly or subtly discussing any inappropriate or taboo topics (e. Keep things on a positive note, bashing others will not win you any points, Write down how you felt the experience went, so you can refer to it later when making your final decisions on which programs to rank in the match, Follow-up on any questions that you did not know the answer to and had said you would get back to them, Send thank you emails or letters, particularly to the residency program director and other people in key decision making roles. What is one thing you learned in the last year that has impacted how you live your life? What are your strongest and weakest subjects? Never good at keeping a planner The best thing to do in this case is to legitimately write out separate questions for each interviewer- thats what I did and I had my padfolio right in front of me to reference those if I needed. Make sure you can be totally focused and not distracted during the interview. Was there ever a time where you were late on an assignment? Another gave me four days before hand but it was a large case and they wanted a full presentation/SOAP of 3 problems. Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? Career Services: Wayne State University. A laid-back meet and greet with the current residents and a break . What are you most proud of achieving during pharmacy school? t;;'F";x~}M#qOD`r=m-a=&GRsb ~^ My tips for these are very similar to the clinical questions. o Operate at the fringe of my licensure. We have a big role to play as stewards of effective medication utilization. Im not an RPD (residency program director) and have zero experience evaluating candidates during interviews. Become BCOP certified Setting too high of expectations for myself Describe a time where you received negative feedback from a preceptor. Bhella comments that weak examples include those where the candidate had little impact or influence on the eventual improvements. Grand Rounds. What is your typical balance between supervision and autonomy when residents come on your rotation? She adds that it would be important that they kept calm, organised and delegated appropriately and had safety as their paramount consideration. I've had time to work up my patient cases with access to resources. Brown says she would be more likely to ask candidates to tell her about a situation with staff or customers where something unexpected took place and explain how they handled it. Characteristics of the ideal clinical pharmacy residency candidate: A survey of . 2 links: UCSF,, CAD, HTN, AFib, warfarin/DOACs, calculate CrCl (from memory) to renally dose, PNA, IBW calculations, lots of NAPLEX stuff. What was the last journal article you read? What areas of pharmacy most interest you? Section 2: The Resident Applicant InterviewA Practical Guide for Faculty. Submit match rank order list. Practice. Prescription For a Lasting First Impression on Pharmacy Interviews - GoodRx Has anyone regretted their residency? : r/PharmacyResidency Interview Do's and Don'ts. DONT read straight from your slides- make sure youre talking to your audience too! Describe your biggest failure. Instead, the main vibes I got from these sessions last year was that programs generally cared about my thought process and clinical reasoning, and how I would present a patient to a preceptor. @ What are 3 areas in which you could improve? What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? Fast forward to your retirement party. Why? Suppose you had an unmotivated student, what would you do as the preceptor? When youre in the same interview session as another applicant, try and get it out of your head that you are with your competition. Moral of the story- just try to be a nice person! At my PGY1 we had to do a case and then the preceptors would have you walk through the answers. Hi do you mean if you didnt know the answer you said.. like oh I dont know that but I could look _____? She had several jobs and in each one she got an extra qualification and then left not long after they had trained her, she remembers. o Lifelong learning Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 0 Describe an innovative practice model or unique precepting style that you have witnessed. Or you might be given only five minutes to review a short case and discuss it. So when I asked one resident last year how they ended up making their rank list, I heard a great tip that I wished I would have used. However, pt case presentations were great way to exercise clinical knowledge and presentation. Think about important patient findings for each of these disease states (what are the S&O you are looking for? In addition to interviewing with faculty, most pharmacy residency interviews will involve time when you visit with current residents. So unfortunately I dont have a ton of practice with this, since my interviews last year were all in person. . Teaching, clinical practice, or research? What makes you the best candidate for our residency program? I made this list from many different resources- guides I found online, a guide my school gave me, and lists I had made over the years from attending residency information sessions. Why? You are preparing for rounds and have identified several interventions that you feel will improve the care of your patients. Natalija Farrell, PharmD, BCPS, DABAT, FAACT on LinkedIn: Pharmacy Yes, I'll work towards board certification in the mean time. Even if youre interviewing with a program that you may consider to be your back-up, really stay engaged and excited with whomever you are interacting with, as some programs will definitely surprise you! If you have a definite idea as to how you want to specialise then it is okay to mention it, but dont limit your options, he says. Questions for Residents. Interviewing for a pharmacy residency can be a stressful event because you may be asked to consult on a case with very little preparation time. What was it and what did you do to correct it? DONT let your obsession with 1-2 programs prevent you from being invested at all of your other interviews. x[kobKE|r$;IZn@OF! To me, its not about getting everything right (although deff dont want to get everything wrong lol) but more about your critical thinking skills. I was told that residencies might ask clinical questions during interviews. St. Clair Health Corporation Pharmacy Manager Job in Pittsburgh, PA If you could be an animal, which animal would you be? 879 0 obj <> endobj Although some questions are asked in almost every interview, knowing how to answer them honestly while showcasing the traits that employers are looking for can still be a challenge. Residency Prep 101: What to Do While You are Still in Pharmacy School. I think the usual Zoom rules apply- get yourself set up with a nice background in a well-lit room. o The main reason I attribute to why I am here today What expectations do you have for the residency program director? This easy-to-read text addresses skills that facilitate interprofessional interactions in the workplace and increase safety in pharmacies by improving communication. How did you communicate your concerns?, She explains that she would be disappointed if candidates said they would dispense a product despite being concerned about the patients safety. Do you feel like you have adequate support from residency program leadership? How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your training? Why should we choose you over your peers? Here is a screenshot of a thank you email I sent last year. Can you tell us about a time when you had to work with a difficult person? Within community pharmacy, the Boots spokesperson explains: This is where the interviewer seeks to understand more about the candidates geographical mobility, current driving licence or access to transport, current salary and future expectations. They add that this type of question is not scored but help both the hiring manager and candidate to establish suitability for the role. RESULTSOf 300 patients randomized, 287 were included in the primary analysis. The following seven questions, submitted by pharmacists via social media and online forums, are considered to be particularly problematic. Meeting the program directors, preceptors, residents, HR, other pharmacy staff, and other candidates. It is far preferable to answer based on where the candidates passions lie to ensure the best fit for a role., Demonstrating loyalty and continuity is important to community pharmacy employer Bernadette Brown, For Brown, demonstrating continuity and loyalty is important. What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairly due to the patient's religion, sexual orientation, or race? You are preparing for rounds and have identified several interventions that you feel will improve the care of your patients. %PDF-1.6 % What was your most favorite class in pharmacy school?
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